Thursday, October 29, 2009


one night with 2 cups of coffee i could not manage putting myself into bed,
ended up drawing people whom i see in everyday life. (you'll be honored to see yourself! haha)
that blind dog with shoes from San Diego still lingers in my mind.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

before i forget

keep these things in mind

perspective study
Sketching of fleeting moment-action and detail
movement, observation, quick notes, and from memory.

it has been a while going out sketching. places i was recently were school work home and shawn's place. that's all.

i miss huntington beach. miss being there sketching. miss SF and its city. downtown.
i love learning in an institution such as csulb, learning techniques and traditions..
but i am having an issue of finding myself. my color. my voice.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I do not lay my anchor anywhere.

This is the character i developed for Production for Fine Art Class.
i found my new interest in making comic strips, will continue when
i am done with portfolio prep and all the assignments i guess...

her name's Hazelnut, who has insomnia from having nightmares.
i guess a little depressing character. haha.

Friday, September 18, 2009


line art and pen tools practice in photoshop..

while internet searching, i found a song named "a room where pianos were placed"..
whice made me very nostalgic of my mother and her piano room. i miss her and her passionate love.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

9/1/2009::: hello hello!

Ohmu, caressing this sleepyhead...

These are my sketches that have been done in random places, with thoughts and love and sometimes none of both.

(11days apart from one up there to ones at the bottom.. my line quality changes alll the time. depends on how i feel, what i eat(really?), and what i listen to.)

i can possibly have multiple personalities....-_-

I'm also working on my own style of characters.
The instinct of imitation for an artist can be unbearable sometimes,
because things that come out, eventually, are from what I've seen somewhere.
it drives me NUTS!!!